Protest at the US Embassy Day 2

Well my son is home from school today so I can't go in person. But I'd like to try and keep up some momentum

Instead for all those who said I achieve nothing. I'm going to ask people to please post a local/Canadian business in town that you use. We have plenty of restaurant threads and food in general so let's limit this to hard goods. EDIT The stuff we usually buy from big box places let's support smaller local maybe more specialized businesses that don't sell food and floor lamps in the same building

I'm hesitant to post examples but some of the places that come to mind to me are Kenny U Pull, Boone Plumbing, Hoise and Brown and with Christmas just passing I had great service from Great Hobbies carry quality lines, helpful staff and basically Amazon prices.

The last post got 200k views and 400 comments. Can we get a few hundred local businesses shouted out? There are dozens of little business parks with one room places what are we all missing out on? where do you go for locks, windows, whatever. And than we can compile it into a list to be pinned or something.


One for browing one for adding suggestions!