Undecided on whether to buy Radiant Tale, Olympia Soirée or Piofiore
Not sure if this breaks the "commonly asked question" rule, but hopefully it's specific enough not to!
Idea Factory has some games on sale right now, so I thought I'd make use of a Christmas giftcard and spend it on one of these games for my Switch. I always find myself going back and forth on which otome to buy, however, since what people value in these games can differ so much. But hopefully you can give me some input based on some of my preferences!
My favorite otome is definitely Hakuouki. I adore the rich worldbuilding and emotional depth of each of the routes. No other otome I've played has felt this beautifully and carefully crafted to me. I haven't finished Edo Blossoms in its entirety yet, so for the original game I will say I don't like Saito's or Kazama's routes (although I warmed up to Kazama in Edo Blossoms), and like everyone else. Okita is my absolute favorite.
I also loved Bustafellows! I like how all of the LIs are likable and essentially form a found family with Teuta. This game didn't have very high highs for me, but it also didn't have any low lows, so I just had a lovely time the whole way through. My favorite ended up being Helvetica (which I was surprised by) and Limbo's route was my least favorite (I thought the storytelling was poor and the romance took a backseat) but I love him as a character. Scarecrow would be my least favorite character in the game but I still liked him and liked the emotion of his route.
My most hated otome so far is Amnesia. It's been a while, but I didn't like any of the LIs nor the MC.
Cupid Parasite is another one I didn't like, not because I hated it like Amnesia, but simply because it didn't make me feel much. It was fun, but it lacked for me in relationship and emotional depth.
Looking at the games I've played so far, I've learned I don't like it when the romance takes a backseat to the story, but I also don't love it when there is next to no plot (which I felt was what happened with Cupid Parasite -- the romance didn't feel deep enough because the storytelling was mostly pretty mundane). So a balance between the two is what I would prefer!
I've also played CollarxMalice which I mostly enjoyed, but I hated the MC and how she seemed to change personalities depending on the route, and I especially hated Yanagi's route. Mineo and Takeru were fine; Okazaki and Shiraishi I absolutely adored. Basically this game had very high highs, and a really low low for me. I thought it was well balanced plot and romance-wise, however.
I also played Mystic Messenger for years back when it first came out and I really like it! 707 and Saeran are my favorites. V is really the only one I dislike.
Finally, I'm currently playing Café Enchanté and I once again like the sense of found family between the characters, and despite the cozy set-up, I like that the routes themselves actually delve into the guys' backgrounds, worlds and angst. I foresee myself quite enjoying it the whole way through. My favorites so far are Misyr and Il, with Rindo being my least favorite (but I haven't done their routes yet, so let's see).
Hopefully this gives a sense of what I like and don't like in otomes. I like interesting plots with depth and angst, but not so much that I feel there's no romance actually happening. I absolutely hate yandere LIs, but other than that I am open to anything, I believe (I honestly have a hard time pinpointing which LIs I like, but hopefully my list above gives some indication). The characters and storytelling are definitely what matter the most to me, so considerations regarding the voice acting or art in these games don't matter as much (but I like what I've seen of the art from all three).
Thank you so much in advance!