What is the absolute dumbest, most eyebrow raising and embarrassing to say nomination you wish happened?

Horton Hears a Who (2008) for Best Original Score.

No, I'm not joking.

John Powell is one of my favorite composers, and the extent to which he goes overboard for that film's score is genuinely ridiculous. I think the film itself is like a 6/10 at most but Powell went above and beyond for a film that does not deserve the level of effort he gave it at all. And despite being so disproportionately good compared to the film it's attached to, it weirdly enough doesn't feel out of place? The instruments all make sense in the universe of Dr. Seuss, and some tracks like "Mountain Chase" are genuinely so epic yet fit perfectly. I'm aware I sound like a 5 year old for praising a stupid ass babyslop movie like this, but screw it, that's the prompt. Nomination you'd want that would make everyone think you're an idiot.