Kinesiology Tape for injuries? Plantar Fasciitis?
Ever since I have been a OTF member and avid hiker I have had little injuries here and there. From knee pain, calf strain, Achilles tendinitis, tennis elbow and plantar fasciitis.
One thing I found that helps support my body parts is kinesiology tape. I research how to tape and tape away. My chiropractor introduced me to it and I always have a roll. I have read a lot of posts about calf strains and thought I would share this simple idea of support. It definitely doesn’t fix your injury but it helps with support. I hope others find this helpful.
FYI I have the worst plantar fasciitis. I have orthotics, ice everyday, stretch and it’s such a pain. I try not to get a lot of cortisone shots unless i absolutely have to. But i would love how others handle plantar fasciitis?