Sex Review: Blonney

Party Like It's 1999

I was invited to the frat party. How and who? A dork asked me for a fund to help conduct the party, and he promised to invite me. By the beggar-some look on his face and his fawning behaviour, I couldn't hold it any longer but help him(and the fraternity he came from) out. There was an option for me to accept or refuse the invitation. Well, it would be a waste of empty room for me if I did not join in.

Laughters, cheers, and bliss, filling up the thick air amidst the night. Dazzling lights with brilliant hues were hung under the roof and the records were brushed against the turntable. Everyone from the fraternity dressed in their embellished outfits, making their activities never more rhapsodic. Beer pong, dancing, babbling in groups— it was a great animation every student could experience.

Despite being summoned here, I was never a part of the community. Hence, I was just standing on an island, engulfed by a sea of strangers. And it was loud… Their tides were tumultuously loud. So there all the time I could only hold a cup of soda and stand rancourly at the corner of the backyard of the estate.

When the exuberance of the party was endless nevertheless, I decided to move on, heading inside the house where only a few people were hanging around inside. The dining room was full of students, same as the living room; even the kitchen was occupied. It was all crowded by these hedonistic collegiate students.

“Hey, do you mind if I sit here?” I asked.

A blonde girl, sitting at a table, was staring at me. Her sketches on her book were paused as her pencil stuck in her fingers. Out of all rooms in this big maze-like house, this mini library had the least amount of occupant, which was the blonde girl herself only.

“Oh…” the girl came back to her senses, “uhm, sure, I won't mind at all.”

I sat facing her, in the middle of the table. And I placed the cup of soda on it. The girl resumed her drawing cursorily yet at the same time scrupulously, avoiding small mistakes but still possessing the sketch’s accentuated details. Meanwhile, as much of the awkwardness dwelled in the room, I passed the cup to her.

“You want some? I haven't drunk it yet.”

“No, thank you.” The girl replied in turmoil.

I tugged the cup back, and took a sip from it. Its bubble was swishing above my tongue; it had a pleasant orange taste.

“Ahem… why are you here, anyway?” asked the girl with a bothered look, brushing her fair fluffy hair with her fingers, “aren't you supposed to be partying like anyone else? All the fun and thrill downstairs, but you came here…”

“Well, I would ask the same question to you. You're the popular girl, Jennifer Woods, ain't it? Though, most people would just call you Blonney, so I'll just go with that. So… why you— Blonney, the always celebrant-of-all-forms-of-parties, at this time are not joining the party, eh?”

“I am busy drawing sketches right now, can't you see?” she sighed, “the production of the new movie will commence next monday, and I haven't finished drawing these concepts yet!” Blonney peered down worriedly at the drawing she made while scratching her head with her pen. Then, she glanced at me again: “and what about you? Why are you here?”

“I'm just not a party guy.”

The girl scoffed, crossing both her arms and started to lean against her chair while rocking it back and forth.

“Oh really? Then why would you even come here? But seriously, who wouldn't want to hang out with friends and enjoy the ecstasy? Don't tell me you're a weirdo who just wanna read a romance book in your own house instead of partying…”

“Alright— first, though I don't read romance, what's wrong with that? Second, I came because I was invited by one of your guys. Why don't I refuse? Cuz’ this party had included my fund. And third, I am not really a sociable person, who gets to have a chat with anyone.”

Blonney rocked her chair backwards without falling. Her doubtful look stuck on her face, while studying me incredulously. Then, she dropped down and stopped rocking the chair. The girl stood up and went to look outside the window.

“Hmph, you should refuse the invitation, if you don't really know how to enjoy the fun.”

A harsh advice, yet also implied its truth regarding my apathy upon human’s activities. It was absolutely ironic: Blonney is an arcanist who lived like a human, while I am a human who lived like an arcanist. In a world where she was accepted in the circle of the community, while I was repelled to the margin of the society.

While she was standing there, a sudden change of tune sparked her interest. She opened the window to let the new music from the backyard enter the room. It sounded groovy and electrifying; once it crawled into my ear, my brain was wrapped with harmony. My feet were tapping rhythmically as the beats went, as if a capricious instinct hidden in my nerves had turned on.

“Ooh, I love this song…” Blonney exclaimed. Then following the rhythm she started to sing with the singer.

She began tapping her feet too, with a little excessive movement to her body as well. Then it turned into a flamboyant dance; her head nodding repeatedly and her hip swayed like a small pendulum. She turned around with her hands beating an imaginary drum.

“Heh heh… Look at you, you're also enjoying it, are ya?”

Once she spoke to me, I found myself also nodding my own head without knowing. Both of us were surprised. And I couldn't stop myself from vibing to the song.

Suddenly, she came to me in a blink. She took my hand and started to drag me along with her. “C’mon! Come and join me!” and I ran with her. We stepped down the stairs promptly and roamed the maze towards the buzzy crowd in the backyard.

As she stopped in the middle of the crowd, Blonney began to follow the surroundings and dance freely. Her excitement was growing; but my confidence slowly eroded away as my body filled with anxiety when surrounded by people.

“Come on!” she yelled with joy, and the girl tried to butter me up: “just dance! I know you'll be okay with that.”

But the more she called for me, the more reluctant I was.


To be cramped in such a rowdy crowd and hypnotising lights, I felt like I was having a qualm and wanted to throw up.

Are you still there?

And at that moment, my mind proceeded to ‘turn off’ the loud music and the hubbub.

Hey, wake up!

I was in a delirium, and time slowed down around me, and my hearing had faded…

“Ow!” I cried after Blonney slapped me in the face; everything snapped back to reality. “What did you do that for!?”

“Finally! You're awake! You were just standing there like a tree just now. I didn't drag you out just for you to do nothing.”

The ardent party was still ongoing, same as for the bouncy song. I watched about us, each of them dancing, laughing, smiling, hopping, shaking— all the doings in jollification. And here I was, still being the dreadful one.

And again I gazed at Blonney, having both her hands on her waist. With the concerned visage of hers, I knew I could mess this moment up. There I got my wind back, rubbing my eyes to avoid my eyes blear, and gazed at her once more. I took a few steps to get closer to her, and at last I faced her without any angst.

“Sorry about that, I just… don't get used to the crowd. Please don't get mad at my weird behaviour.”

Blonney looked down and shook her head. Then she let out a small chuckle before she glanced upon me. “Jeez… you might be the weirdest guy I ever met.” She came close, grabbing both my hands and gently she pulled me over.

“Trust me, dear, everything is going to be fine. Just relax and be alive! I won't get upset, but don't make me regret sacrificing my time for bringing you here.”

And so she danced in her exuberant style, swinging her hips in her shorts. With Blonney’s encouraging dance that dinned into me, I also joined her as well. I followed her movement like a chick following the hen. Both of our hands together, spread out, and our feets kick the ground with passionate patterns. Once I allowed my body to flow with the music, I began to embrace this new energy. And she also played along with my spirit.

She became a visitor to my lonely island, a kind one. There she strived, survived… harnessed the resources in me, and she created a small paradise for us both. When the collegiate tides flow, we only just bury our feet in the sand, and dance to the susurration of the ocean. Its whispers would be calling us by our name.

An Uncommon Revelation

After the overall titillation, when the exhaustion managed to sap our energy, we returned to the mini library: the starting point of our first encounter. The party was still running; it was still eleven o’clock. And the bulb in the room was still glowing.

I was standing in front of the window, scrutinizing the environment of the party. Both my hands behind my back, and my head tilted down at the backyard. Meanwhile, Blonney trod in and picked up her book that still remained on the table. She skimmed a few pages.

“See? It was fun, wasn't it? You just need to feel the vibe, and appreciate its kick.” said Blonney thoughtfully.

“Yeah, I guess you're right. It was fun.”

A plain answer for her genuine question. But to her it was a positive answer nevertheless. With her book in her hand, she came close to my side.

“Maybe I learnt something new from you, Jennifer.” I conjectured, trying to sound grateful: “there is never a time too late to enjoy something. I should appreciate your opening demeanor.”

The girl hid her blushes after hearing me. And with a quick change, she gave a beam of conceit. “Hah! That of course: I will never, ever, never ever be so boring! that you might think that I'm just your average college gal.”

At this time, she was only an inch close to me at my right. Slowly my hand reached her other side. While she wasn't noticing, my hand was placed on her waist.

“Woah…” she startled; her body gave an involuntary shake. She gazed at me, flushed, not resisting my touch at all. Then, I also made contact with her sparkling blue eyes. “H-hey… you're making me warm, right now…”

But I persisted. My face lowered to meet hers. Her jaw was slightly dropped and her lips made a gap; the warmth of the closeness overwhelmed her, causing her brain to be jammed. I took the chance and landed my lips on hers. Her book was dropped to the ground; our tongues twisted together, smearing our saliva on each other and grazing our buds.

Her mouth was dirtied, her breath turned hot, and her face reddened. Blonney couldn't help herself: her hands grasped behind my head, pulling me harder to give her a deeper kiss. “Mmhm… hmm~” our lips smacked, the erotic sound coursed through our throat. Our mouths couldn't be controlled.

I gently pushed her with me along, going to the table. When her butt bumped upon the edge of the table, I lifted her up and placed her on the table. While kissing, she hugged my neck tight; and I itchily massaged her left thigh and the right parts of her hip. It was amorous; our sex drive was mushrooming rapidly in our body.

Without any second thoughts, we started to undress. She took her jacket off, and I took mine off. And the kiss stopped suddenly:

“Woah wait…” Blonney puffed heavily, trying to regain back all exhausted breath. “At least put some protection, sweetheart.”

No need for that.

“W-why?” she stuttered, then she paused in thought, “wait, are you infertile?”

Before I was about to talk, a sudden knocking noise came from the door. “Uhm, Blonney, we're going home now, and we're waiting for you; you wanna join us?” It was a female voice; and she was informing her of their departure.

She let out a sigh, and with a loud voice she shouted: “I am still at my work for the movie now, just go home and stop bugging me!” She told a lie to drive her away. But it worked nonetheless.

“Okay… Well, goodnight, and don't tire yourself out, Blon! We'll go now, bye!”

And the lady was gone; there were no more noises outside(except the din of the crowd).

“One of your friends?”

“Yeah, genius.” said her sarcastically, “anyway, back to my question…”

“Does my fertility concern you?”

“Well… I dunno…” she murmured with uncertainty. Blonney looked away, cutting down the eye contact to avoid the look of sceptism being detected by me. And at the same time, she would also look apologetic.

“Do you trust me?” I said. Blonney tilted her head and looked at me with a new curiosity. “I had trusted you that everything was going to be fine. Would you trust me the same?”

Her eyes widened and her face smoothened; my reference to her trust had overawed her. But she soon regained her senses. Her decision was interrupted by hesitancy, but at last she nodded softly.

The Party Is Over

Blonney was still lying on the table. I unbuttoned and unzipped her shorts, slipped them down with her white panties along. Then, I pulled her tank top away. The great body of hers was revealed, naked to me on the table. And the thickness was immeasurable; her assets were unexplainably ginormous.

After I undressed my entirety, I kissed her lips again. Our eyes closed, dreaming in a venereal dimension and sharing warmth. After I pushed her legs onto the table to spread her pussy, I adjusted my cock around it. Then, like a piston, my rod slowly crawled inside her.

“Agh!” she yelped for the pain of her wall being stretched. Her eyebrows furrowed and she swallowed in dismay. Once my hands gripped her thighs, she held around my wrists. And she was too overwrought to say anything for the upcoming.

My meat had located the edge. I dragged it away and returned. With my hip moving to and fro, the rod thrust and chafed her wet wall. And the speed was slowly rising. Striking down her hole and ramming against her clit, she couldn't help but cry out in severe pain.

“Hey, keep it down, there's still people outside.” I whispered.

“You keep it down! Ah~ It hurts a lot!” She exclaimed hoarsely with a shrill cry.

So I slowed down, reducing the thrusting speed yet the same passion abided all the same. Just a whole tube moving deliberately forward and backward through her tunnel. And so the pain eased down, making her more tolerable.

Amidst the slow phase of the session, Blonney was able to moan. She closed her eyes and bit her lip, sensing the shifting sensation growing in her body. Though her hands were still gripping about my wrists, her fingers loosened as she relaxed herself to bear the amalgamation of pain and pleasure.

“Mmph… ngh… hah…” Blonney whimpered softly without protest. Simply receiving slow pounding against her hole. Her bare legs contracted, placed at my sides. Her big breasts rippled for every ram, and her pink nipple jiggled along in circles.

While ramming, I bent myself towards her. I chose her left boob and suckled orally upon its nipple. “Mmph!” she wailed when I drained the bits from her breast. The powerful suction and the sly tongue as I feasted on her made her warmer and weaker.

When she wasn't noticing and distracted by my feasting, I purposely hastened on my movement. Each clap was followed by another; and the fervent pleasure doubled in our body. Though she didn't remarked, she coped to surmount the sensation of stretching pain around her wall; Blonney managed to adapt it.

In an unexpected turn, I shoved my cock fully into her and paused. She was stunned; she looked down at me. I dragged my mouth away from her nipple, and swallowed the last bit. I gazed at her warm, blushing face; she was clearly confused of my action.

I drawed my meat out first. Afterwards, I extended my hands for her; and she grasped on them. Once I pulled her up and let her hopped on her feet, I flipped her over as I faced her back. Blonney placed her hands on the table, and I adjusted her butt’s position. Then I inserted my rod back into her cooch, and drove it deeply into her.

“Ah~” she cried out as she felt my dick buried inside her again.

Then, we continued our session. I rammed her honeypot again with the same recent speed. My left hand wrapped around her belly and my right hand massaged her breast. That summed up with perfect control, and so my journey was smooth.

She wrapped my neck above her with her hands. And her head twisted, showing her face over her shoulder. Her cheek was still reddened, and her eyes were half-closed. Her weak visage was mesmerising to look at. She lifted her head up and went to lock my lips with hers.

“Mmph~ jeez… you're hot.”

Blonney’s gruff voice was sounding between our tongues. Each thrust made her moan down to my throat. And her warm shaky breath filled in my mouth, causing me to suffocate by her wind.

I squeezed her right breast, applying a tingle upon her sensitive flesh. It was a striking point in her body. Her whole body grew so warm that I couldn't feel the cold in this library. Our mind corrupted; clashing and blankly driven by lust.

This library had turned into our own world, our own area to pleasure ourselves with our own body. A world within a party, with only the noises of our moans and our flesh colliding. Again and again I smashed Blonney's hefty butt from her behind; and wrapped and secured her body with my arms like tree veins.

But then I let go of her. She was released and she slanted with her hands on the table. As my hands placed on her waist, I maxed up the speed, banging her with harsh impacts. Blonney’s head dropped down as she withstood the extravagant intensity.

And as the session had reached its apex, we soon reached the climax: the orgasm had been achieved. At the last plunge, I stopped and sealed her hole deeply. And my tip pointed to her core, and flooded it with hot gooey fluid.

“Mphm~” she moaned. Blonney focused more on regaining her wind back while receiving my seeds. But the mere warm goo had her unsettled, to have her feel it flowing inside her.

At last, I stepped back, and my meat slipped out from her vagina. A real polluted honeypot spewed my sperm out drop by drop; all dripped and stained on the floor under her.

Her shoulders shrugged as she breathed deeply into her lungs. Her upper frame only leaned on the table. She looked weary, exhausted, incapable to move a muscle but stood while bending.

I held her hand, supporting her figure from falling. And mindfully heaved her up to let her sit on the edge of the table again.

“Hey… I haven't… done with you… yet…” she called out with her quavered, weary voice.

And so I sat at the other side of the table’s edge, right beside her. Without any second thoughts, she pulled my chin and gave me one more kiss. But this time, it was not too consuming. It was just a casual smooch with trades of our saliva through our tongues.

There at midnight, both of us kissed when our eyes shut, submitting ourselves to each other on the table. And still bare were our bodies, revealing our pure wildness within this suffocating little library. Till the party ended, our affection still lasted longer and faded not.


Impressively tall. She has an extraordinary body containing insufferable suggestiveness. Her breasts are round and large at its extreme; perhaps a definitely rare treasure ‘chest’ to be discovered. Not to mention, her milker is exceptionally tasty, appetizing, and succulent. Her bottom is also acceptable: perfectly round, squishy, and matched with her curves; an excellent asset for an exquisite session. When it comes to her thighs, one couldn't restrain oneself from massaging them. These are packed with rich flesh; exposed like a stress-relieving toy, which could spark one’s lust.

Her picturesqueness is like a combination of a model and an actor. Her appearance had enhanced the image of every American high school girl. By the fluff of her flaxen hair, it serves the meanings of youth, fertility, and rarity upon her. As for her oceanic eyes with a pink pearl glitter within, it adds up the cutesy to her adorable face. Seeing her smile is like finding an engagement ring out of nowhere: rare and appealing.

Irritable, exuberant, confident, haughty, and zealous. Blonney is one passionate woman; and her adoration never be questionable. On the other hand, she is also ill-tempered, easily annoyed. Though messing with her is permissible, it's better to know where to cross the line. When it comes to the session, she is like a sun that never dies; always having a torrid and warm-blooded love. That being said, one must have the same strong, imperishable might for her, as disappointment is unacceptable for her.


Party Like It's 1999

I was invited to the frat party. How and who? A dork asked me for a fund to help conduct the party, and he promised to invite me. By the beggar-some look on his face and his fawning behaviour, I couldn't hold it any longer but help him(and the fraternity he came from) out. There was an option for me to accept or refuse the invitation. Well, it would be a waste of empty room for me if I did not join in.

Laughters, cheers, and bliss, filling up the thick air amidst the night. Dazzling lights with brilliant hues were hung under the roof and the records were brushed against the turntable. Everyone from the fraternity dressed in their embellished outfits, making their activities never more rhapsodic. Beer pong, dancing, babbling in groups— it was a great animation every student could experience.

Despite being summoned here, I was never a part of the community. Hence, I was just standing on an island, engulfed by a sea of strangers. And it was loud… Their tides were tumultuously loud. So there all the time I could only hold a cup of soda and stand rancourly at the corner of the backyard of the estate.

When the exuberance of the party was endless nevertheless, I decided to move on, heading inside the house where only a few people were hanging around inside. The dining room was full of students, same as the living room; even the kitchen was occupied. It was all crowded by these hedonistic collegiate students.

“Hey, do you mind if I sit here?” I asked.

A blonde girl, sitting at a table, was staring at me. Her sketches on her book were paused as her pencil stuck in her fingers. Out of all rooms in this big maze-like house, this mini library had the least amount of occupant, which was the blonde girl herself only.

“Oh…” the girl came back to her senses, “uhm, sure, I won't mind at all.”

I sat facing her, in the middle of the table. And I placed the cup of soda on it. The girl resumed her drawing cursorily yet at the same time scrupulously, avoiding small mistakes but still possessing the sketch’s accentuated details. Meanwhile, as much of the awkwardness dwelled in the room, I passed the cup to her.

“You want some? I haven't drunk it yet.”

“No, thank you.” The girl replied in turmoil.

I tugged the cup back, and took a sip from it. Its bubble was swishing above my tongue; it had a pleasant orange taste.

“Ahem… why are you here, anyway?” asked the girl with a bothered look, brushing her fair fluffy hair with her fingers, “aren't you supposed to be partying like anyone else? All the fun and thrill downstairs, but you came here…”

“Well, I would ask the same question to you. You're the popular girl, Jennifer Woods, ain't it? Though, most people would just call you Blonney, so I'll just go with that. So… why you— Blonney, the always celebrant-of-all-forms-of-parties, at this time are not joining the party, eh?”

“I am busy drawing sketches right now, can't you see?” she sighed, “the production of the new movie will commence next monday, and I haven't finished drawing these concepts yet!” Blonney peered down worriedly at the drawing she made while scratching her head with her pen. Then, she glanced at me again: “and what about you? Why are you here?”

“I'm just not a party guy.”

The girl scoffed, crossing both her arms and started to lean against her chair while rocking it back and forth.

“Oh really? Then why would you even come here? But seriously, who wouldn't want to hang out with friends and enjoy the ecstasy? Don't tell me you're a weirdo who just wanna read a romance book in your own house instead of partying…”

“Alright— first, though I don't read romance, what's wrong with that? Second, I came because I was invited by one of your guys. Why don't I refuse? Cuz’ this party had included my fund. And third, I am not really a sociable person, who gets to have a chat with anyone.”

Blonney rocked her chair backwards without falling. Her doubtful look stuck on her face, while studying me incredulously. Then, she dropped down and stopped rocking the chair. The girl stood up and went to look outside the window.

“Hmph, you should refuse the invitation, if you don't really know how to enjoy the fun.”

A harsh advice, yet also implied its truth regarding my apathy upon human’s activities. It was absolutely ironic: Blonney is an arcanist who lived like a human, while I am a human who lived like an arcanist. In a world where she was accepted in the circle of the community, while I was repelled to the margin of the society.

While she was standing there, a sudden change of tune sparked her interest. She opened the window to let the new music from the backyard enter the room. It sounded groovy and electrifying; once it crawled into my ear, my brain was wrapped with harmony. My feet were tapping rhythmically as the beats went, as if a capricious instinct hidden in my nerves had turned on.

“Ooh, I love this song…” Blonney exclaimed. Then following the rhythm she started to sing with the singer.

She began tapping her feet too, with a little excessive movement to her body as well. Then it turned into a flamboyant dance; her head nodding repeatedly and her hip swayed like a small pendulum. She turned around with her hands beating an imaginary drum.

“Heh heh… Look at you, you're also enjoying it, are ya?”

Once she spoke to me, I found myself also nodding my own head without knowing. Both of us were surprised. And I couldn't stop myself from vibing to the song.

Suddenly, she came to me in a blink. She took my hand and started to drag me along with her. “C’mon! Come and join me!” and I ran with her. We stepped down the stairs promptly and roamed the maze towards the buzzy crowd in the backyard.

As she stopped in the middle of the crowd, Blonney began to follow the surroundings and dance freely. Her excitement was growing; but my confidence slowly eroded away as my body filled with anxiety when surrounded by people.

“Come on!” she yelled with joy, and the girl tried to butter me up: “just dance! I know you'll be okay with that.”

But the more she called for me, the more reluctant I was.


To be cramped in such a rowdy crowd and hypnotising lights, I felt like I was having a qualm and wanted to throw up.

Are you still there?

And at that moment, my mind proceeded to ‘turn off’ the loud music and the hubbub.

Hey, wake up!

I was in a delirium, and time slowed down around me, and my hearing had faded…

“Ow!” I cried after Blonney slapped me in the face; everything snapped back to reality. “What did you do that for!?”

“Finally! You're awake! You were just standing there like a tree just now. I didn't drag you out just for you to do nothing.”

The ardent party was still ongoing, same as for the bouncy song. I watched about us, each of them dancing, laughing, smiling, hopping, shaking— all the doings in jollification. And here I was, still being the dreadful one.

And again I gazed at Blonney, having both her hands on her waist. With the concerned visage of hers, I knew I could mess this moment up. There I got my wind back, rubbing my eyes to avoid my eyes blear, and gazed at her once more. I took a few steps to get closer to her, and at last I faced her without any angst.

“Sorry about that, I just… don't get used to the crowd. Please don't get mad at my weird behaviour.”

Blonney looked down and shook her head. Then she let out a small chuckle before she glanced upon me. “Jeez… you might be the weirdest guy I ever met.” She came close, grabbing both my hands and gently she pulled me over.

“Trust me, dear, everything is going to be fine. Just relax and be alive! I won't get upset, but don't make me regret sacrificing my time for bringing you here.”

And so she danced in her exuberant style, swinging her hips in her shorts. With Blonney’s encouraging dance that dinned into me, I also joined her as well. I followed her movement like a chick following the hen. Both of our hands together, spread out, and our feets kick the ground with passionate patterns. Once I allowed my body to flow with the music, I began to embrace this new energy. And she also played along with my spirit.

She became a visitor to my lonely island, a kind one. There she strived, survived… harnessed the resources in me, and she created a small paradise for us both. When the collegiate tides flow, we only just bury our feet in the sand, and dance to the susurration of the ocean. Its whispers would be calling us by our name.

An Uncommon Revelation

After the overall titillation, when the exhaustion managed to sap our energy, we returned to the mini library: the starting point of our first encounter. The party was still running; it was still eleven o’clock. And the bulb in the room was still glowing.

I was standing in front of the window, scrutinizing the environment of the party. Both my hands behind my back, and my head tilted down at the backyard. Meanwhile, Blonney trod in and picked up her book that still remained on the table. She skimmed a few pages.

“See? It was fun, wasn't it? You just need to feel the vibe, and appreciate its kick.” said Blonney thoughtfully.

“Yeah, I guess you're right. It was fun.”

A plain answer for her genuine question. But to her it was a positive answer nevertheless. With her book in her hand, she came close to my side.

“Maybe I learnt something new from you, Jennifer.” I conjectured, trying to sound grateful: “there is never a time too late to enjoy something. I should appreciate your opening demeanor.”

The girl hid her blushes after hearing me. And with a quick change, she gave a beam of conceit. “Hah! That of course: I will never, ever, never ever be so boring! that you might think that I'm just your average college gal.”

At this time, she was only an inch close to me at my right. Slowly my hand reached her other side. While she wasn't noticing, my hand was placed on her waist.

“Woah…” she startled; her body gave an involuntary shake. She gazed at me, flushed, not resisting my touch at all. Then, I also made contact with her sparkling blue eyes. “H-hey… you're making me warm, right now…”

But I persisted. My face lowered to meet hers. Her jaw was slightly dropped and her lips made a gap; the warmth of the closeness overwhelmed her, causing her brain to be jammed. I took the chance and landed my lips on hers. Her book was dropped to the ground; our tongues twisted together, smearing our saliva on each other and grazing our buds.

Her mouth was dirtied, her breath turned hot, and her face reddened. Blonney couldn't help herself: her hands grasped behind my head, pulling me harder to give her a deeper kiss. “Mmhm… hmm~” our lips smacked, the erotic sound coursed through our throat. Our mouths couldn't be controlled.

I gently pushed her with me along, going to the table. When her butt bumped upon the edge of the table, I lifted her up and placed her on the table. While kissing, she hugged my neck tight; and I itchily massaged her left thigh and the right parts of her hip. It was amorous; our sex drive was mushrooming rapidly in our body.

Without any second thoughts, we started to undress. She took her jacket off, and I took mine off. And the kiss stopped suddenly:

“Woah wait…” Blonney puffed heavily, trying to regain back all exhausted breath. “At least put some protection, sweetheart.”

No need for that.

“W-why?” she stuttered, then she paused in thought, “wait, are you infertile?”

Before I was about to talk, a sudden knocking noise came from the door. “Uhm, Blonney, we're going home now, and we're waiting for you; you wanna join us?” It was a female voice; and she was informing her of their departure.

She let out a sigh, and with a loud voice she shouted: “I am still at my work for the movie now, just go home and stop bugging me!” She told a lie to drive her away. But it worked nonetheless.

“Okay… Well, goodnight, and don't tire yourself out, Blon! We'll go now, bye!”

And the lady was gone; there were no more noises outside(except the din of the crowd).

“One of your friends?”

“Yeah, genius.” said her sarcastically, “anyway, back to my question…”

“Does my fertility concern you?”

“Well… I dunno…” she murmured with uncertainty. Blonney looked away, cutting down the eye contact to avoid the look of sceptism being detected by me. And at the same time, she would also look apologetic.

“Do you trust me?” I said. Blonney tilted her head and looked at me with a new curiosity. “I had trusted you that everything was going to be fine. Would you trust me the same?”

Her eyes widened and her face smoothened; my reference to her trust had overawed her. But she soon regained her senses. Her decision was interrupted by hesitancy, but at last she nodded softly.

The Party Is Over

Blonney was still lying on the table. I unbuttoned and unzipped her shorts, slipped them down with her white panties along. Then, I pulled her tank top away. The great body of hers was revealed, naked to me on the table. And the thickness was immeasurable; her assets were unexplainably ginormous.

After I undressed my entirety, I kissed her lips again. Our eyes closed, dreaming in a venereal dimension and sharing warmth. After I pushed her legs onto the table to spread her pussy, I adjusted my cock around it. Then, like a piston, my rod slowly crawled inside her.

“Agh!” she yelped for the pain of her wall being stretched. Her eyebrows furrowed and she swallowed in dismay. Once my hands gripped her thighs, she held around my wrists. And she was too overwrought to say anything for the upcoming.

My meat had located the edge. I dragged it away and returned. With my hip moving to and fro, the rod thrust and chafed her wet wall. And the speed was slowly rising. Striking down her hole and ramming against her clit, she couldn't help but cry out in severe pain.

“Hey, keep it down, there's still people outside.” I whispered.

“You keep it down! Ah~ It hurts a lot!” She exclaimed hoarsely with a shrill cry.

So I slowed down, reducing the thrusting speed yet the same passion abided all the same. Just a whole tube moving deliberately forward and backward through her tunnel. And so the pain eased down, making her more tolerable.

Amidst the slow phase of the session, Blonney was able to moan. She closed her eyes and bit her lip, sensing the shifting sensation growing in her body. Though her hands were still gripping about my wrists, her fingers loosened as she relaxed herself to bear the amalgamation of pain and pleasure.

“Mmph… ngh… hah…” Blonney whimpered softly without protest. Simply receiving slow pounding against her hole. Her bare legs contracted, placed at my sides. Her big breasts rippled for every ram, and her pink nipple jiggled along in circles.

While ramming, I bent myself towards her. I chose her left boob and suckled orally upon its nipple. “Mmph!” she wailed when I drained the bits from her breast. The powerful suction and the sly tongue as I feasted on her made her warmer and weaker.

When she wasn't noticing and distracted by my feasting, I purposely hastened on my movement. Each clap was followed by another; and the fervent pleasure doubled in our body. Though she didn't remarked, she coped to surmount the sensation of stretching pain around her wall; Blonney managed to adapt it.

In an unexpected turn, I shoved my cock fully into her and paused. She was stunned; she looked down at me. I dragged my mouth away from her nipple, and swallowed the last bit. I gazed at her warm, blushing face; she was clearly confused of my action.

I drawed my meat out first. Afterwards, I extended my hands for her; and she grasped on them. Once I pulled her up and let her hopped on her feet, I flipped her over as I faced her back. Blonney placed her hands on the table, and I adjusted her butt’s position. Then I inserted my rod back into her cooch, and drove it deeply into her.

“Ah~” she cried out as she felt my dick buried inside her again.

Then, we continued our session. I rammed her honeypot again with the same recent speed. My left hand wrapped around her belly and my right hand massaged her breast. That summed up with perfect control, and so my journey was smooth.

She wrapped my neck above her with her hands. And her head twisted, showing her face over her shoulder. Her cheek was still reddened, and her eyes were half-closed. Her weak visage was mesmerising to look at. She lifted her head up and went to lock my lips with hers.

“Mmph~ jeez… you're hot.”

Blonney’s gruff voice was sounding between our tongues. Each thrust made her moan down to my throat. And her warm shaky breath filled in my mouth, causing me to suffocate by her wind.

I squeezed her right breast, applying a tingle upon her sensitive flesh. It was a striking point in her body. Her whole body grew so warm that I couldn't feel the cold in this library. Our mind corrupted; clashing and blankly driven by lust.

This library had turned into our own world, our own area to pleasure ourselves with our own body. A world within a party, with only the noises of our moans and our flesh colliding. Again and again I smashed Blonney's hefty butt from her behind; and wrapped and secured her body with my arms like tree veins.

But then I let go of her. She was released and she slanted with her hands on the table. As my hands placed on her waist, I maxed up the speed, banging her with harsh impacts. Blonney’s head dropped down as she withstood the extravagant intensity.

And as the session had reached its apex, we soon reached the climax: the orgasm had been achieved. At the last plunge, I stopped and sealed her hole deeply. And my tip pointed to her core, and flooded it with hot gooey fluid.

“Mphm~” she moaned. Blonney focused more on regaining her wind back while receiving my seeds. But the mere warm goo had her unsettled, to have her feel it flowing inside her.

At last, I stepped back, and my meat slipped out from her vagina. A real polluted honeypot spewed my sperm out drop by drop; all dripped and stained on the floor under her.

Her shoulders shrugged as she breathed deeply into her lungs. Her upper frame only leaned on the table. She looked weary, exhausted, incapable to move a muscle but stood while bending.

I held her hand, supporting her figure from falling. And mindfully heaved her up to let her sit on the edge of the table again.

“Hey… I haven't… done with you… yet…” she called out with her quavered, weary voice.

And so I sat at the other side of the table’s edge, right beside her. Without any second thoughts, she pulled my chin and gave me one more kiss. But this time, it was not too consuming. It was just a casual smooch with trades of our saliva through our tongues.

There at midnight, both of us kissed when our eyes shut, submitting ourselves to each other on the table. And still bare were our bodies, revealing our pure wildness within this suffocating little library. Till the party ended, our affection still lasted longer and faded not.


Impressively tall. She has an extraordinary body containing insufferable suggestiveness. Her breasts are round and large at its extreme; perhaps a definitely rare treasure ‘chest’ to be discovered. Not to mention, her milker is exceptionally tasty, appetizing, and succulent. Her bottom is also acceptable: perfectly round, squishy, and matched with her curves; an excellent asset for an exquisite session. When it comes to her thighs, one couldn't restrain oneself from massaging them. These are packed with rich flesh; exposed like a stress-relieving toy, which could spark one’s lust.

Her picturesqueness is like a combination of a model and an actor. Her appearance had enhanced the image of every American high school girl. By the fluff of her flaxen hair, it serves the meanings of youth, fertility, and rarity upon her. As for her oceanic eyes with a pink pearl glitter within, it adds up the cutesy to her adorable face. Seeing her smile is like finding an engagement ring out of nowhere: rare and appealing.

Irritable, exuberant, confident, haughty, and zealous. Blonney is one passionate woman; and her adoration never be questionable. On the other hand, she is also ill-tempered, easily annoyed. Though messing with her is permissible, it's better to know where to cross the line. When it comes to the session, she is like a sun that never dies; always having a torrid and warm-blooded love. That being said, one must have the same strong, imperishable might for her, as disappointment is unacceptable for her.
