My friend let me move in after my parents kicked me out, but now he’s furious because I can’t cook, my food smells disgusting, and I feel like a complete burden
So, I (28M), autistic, moved in with my friend "Jake" (fake name) a few weeks ago after my parents kicked me out (long story short: they threw away my entire Funko Pop collection, I lost it, broke my dad’s phone, and got told to leave). Jake and I have been friends since middle school, so I thought living together would be fine but it’s turning into a disaster, and it’s mostly my fault.
I can’t cook. Like, at all. I’ve always struggled with timing, smells, and just knowing when food is actually done. On top of that, I hyperfocus on weird food combinations because I get obsessed with specific tastes and textures. Which… is where things went really wrong.
The first time, I tried to make tuna ramen. I saw it in a video, but somehow I overcooked the noodles until they were mush, dumped in way too much mayo and mustard (because the recipe said "a little" but I couldn’t figure out what that meant), and then accidentally left the burner on low so the whole thing got this sour, burnt fish smell that hung in the kitchen for days.
Another time, I made hot dog rice, which is just chopped hot dogs mixed with rice and ketchup. Except I burned the rice to the bottom of the pot and somehow the hot dogs came out rubbery and gray. Jake walked in, gagged, and asked if something died in the kitchen. I honestly couldn’t even smell it by then because I’d gotten used to it.
It’s not just that the food is bad it smells awful. Burnt, sour, greasy, just… bad. I can tell Jake’s getting more and more pissed. He’s mentioned the smell a few times, like, “Dude, it smells like a garbage disposal in here, what are you even cooking?” and I never know how to answer without embarrassing myself.
The final straw was last night when I tried to make scrambled eggs with canned chili mixed in (don’t ask why, I thought it sounded good at the time). I burned the eggs, the chili somehow separated into greasy sludge, and the whole apartment smelled like feet and wet dog.
To make it worse, I left the pot soaking in the sink afterward because the burnt ramen incident made me think soaking stuff was the best way to handle it. I figured I’d clean it in the morning, but Jake saw it, lost it, and went off about how I "can’t just break his shit and expect him to clean up after me." I didn’t even realize I was doing that I genuinely thought I was helping by soaking it.
I feel awful. I know I’m the problem, but I don’t know how to fix it. Cooking has always been hard for me I get overwhelmed and forget steps, or I hyperfocus on one thing and screw everything else up. But now I’m not just embarrassing myself, I’m making my only friend miserable.
I feel like a disgusting burden and I’m scared I’m going to end up homeless because I can’t figure out how to cook like a normal person. I just needed to get this off my chest.