My gf doesn’t know how to initiate sex

So this is definitely on the light hearted side.

My girlfriend (26f) and I (29m) have a great sex life. However, she just has the most odd ways of trying to initiate sex lol

So last night, we both got into bed after showering. She tells me that she’s cramping and her stomach hurts. So obviously, I’m not going to try to initiate anything if she doesn’t feel well.

I’m rubbing her stomach while I start to fall asleep and she says “are you asleep?”. I open my eyes and she’s staring at me like piercing my soul lol. I said not yet and she goes “okay well go to sleep”. So then I’m confused like, why ask me if I’m asleep just to tell me to go to sleep?

Again, I’m thinking that she isn’t feeling well so sex isn’t top of mind. Maybe she just wants me to stay up and rub her belly?

She then proceeds to start singing the intro songs from various kids shows and wants me to guess which songs they are. She does this for legitimately 20 minutes. Whole time I’m super confused cus it’s like 1:30am like why aren’t we going to sleep? Lol

So after that I realize, she doesn’t want me to go to sleep obviously. And then it hit me. I say “is this your way of telling me you want to have sex?” She goes “YES! I’m shy okay?!”

Mind you, shit like this has happened so many times that I’ve never realized this was just how she was trying to initiate 😂😂

TLDR; my gf keeps me awake by singing children’s tv show songs as a way to initiate sex lol

Anyone else got any funny stories of how partners initiated sex?