OBS Preview Frozen?
So, the issue i am having is that JUST the OBS preview screen gets frozen. Doesn't matter if i am just messing with sources, streaming, recording, or using the replay buffer. The OBS Preview screen will randomly freeze.
Now, none of this actually affects the stream or recordings, all of the VODs and files are perfectly fine. I just cant figure out why the Preview freezes. Is there a way to allocate more memory for it or? Any ideas?
I believe this issue just started with the new update, i haven't tried reverting back one to see if it persists. This is a fresh install of OBS, as i just built this new computer a few days ago.
Edit 1: Log File https://obsproject.com/logs/rAtRONrZNJfpFOe6
Edit 2: FOUND A FIX - Disable HAGS (hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling). To get to this setting follow these steps (Settings > System > Display > Graphics > Advanced Graphics Settings > Turn off Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling) After doing this, the newest version of OBS no longer gives me a Frozen Preview. This has fixed the issue i was having. I hope this solution helps others as well.
Edit 3: Idk if this is important to the solution but in the section you disable HAGS, I also have the following turned off (Optimizations for Windowed Games & Variable Refresh Rate) I also have Default High Performance GPU set to my Video Card specifically instead of letting windows decide.