I like science, helping people, dark humor, and mild suffering- so nursing, right?

I don’t really know what the point of this is, but I was just thinking:

So, I see a lot of posts that go something like: “I’m thinking about doing nursing—should I?” And a lot of answers always seem to be around the lines of: “No. Just don’t.” And listen, I get it. I know it can look like the grass is dead on your side, but I hesitate to jump on the “run while you still can” train, but I acknowledge it’s the right advice for a lot of people; but just maybe not for me. General advice has its place, but sometimes your situation doesn’t fit neatly into the usual warnings.

I’m 25, and I spent the last 4 years supporting my husband through professional school. Now it’s my turn to go back, and I’m seriously considering becoming an RN. I’ve been lurking in this subreddit, and have had some casual “interviews” with nurses I’ve met. And honestly? I think I’d like it.

Of course, there’s the cliché “I just want to help people” answer, but for me, it’s also about the flexibility—I love the idea of 3-12s or 4-10s. I love that there’s room to grow and specialize down the line. I love that nurses have the power to make someone’s hospital stay either a tolerable (or even sometimes enjoyable) experience or straight-up miserable (obviously aiming for the first one, but still—power). I love the science behind it—seeing patients as complex puzzles and helping piece them back together. Working in science is elite and you know it. And let’s be real, the memes and motivational posts alone are worth something. Y’all have elite humor and motivational posts.

So when people on here give the blanket advice of “don’t do it,” I have to compare it to where I’m coming from. I’ve spent 7-8 years in veterinary medicine as a vet assistant/receptionist and only have a high school diploma. I’ve worked holidays, I’ve done long hours, I’ve gotten the shit pay, I’ve been cussed out over things completely out of my control, I’ve put up with sassy doctor attitudes, and I’ve worked in more drama-filled environments than a reality TV show. I know animal med and human med aren’t the same, but there’s a lot of overlap, and from my perspective, nursing looks like a step up—more flexibility, more meaningful impact, and, let’s be real, more money.

My plan is to start school once my husband graduates this year and we move. I also want to work as a CNA or MA while doing my pre-reqs to make sure it’s the right fit. I am still deciding between ASN or BSN. But what am I missing—or am I spot on? Anyone else relate?🤔😂