A Doomer’s Perspective
Well, many here won’t believe it, but this whole doomer shtick has been just that since roughly the Louisville game: a shtick. I didn’t feel like I could change it mid-season due to superstition. I didn’t enjoy the incessant “we’re fucked!!!!” posts lol. This team fought, fought, fought and earned their title of the Fighting Irish.
Likewise, I fully earned the doomer title prior to that, and I’ll wear it proudly, but life has kicked me in the balls this year and my perspective has changed a lot. My family could use some prayers as my sister is almost certainly going to die from excessive alcohol abuse. Currently in the ICU and diagnosed with end stage liver failure. She was given a timeframe of weeks if she drinks again, to a maximum 1 year to live if she does not. The fact is, she will drink as soon as she’s out of the hospital, so a transplant simply isn’t going to happen. This sub, including the insults (earned), has been a little piece of camaraderie and distraction for me that I needed.
This is an edit of a previous comment I left, and I’m not searching for sympathy whatsoever. I’m blessed with good people around me. Alcoholism takes many, and it’s an ugly and all too common thing. I simply want to remind those that are as passionate as I am about this thing called ND football, that it’s important to keep a healthy perspective on such external things compared to what’s important in life.
This program could use prayers too - but it truly seems to be trending up. I think we’ll be right in the fight with a real chance to win it all if we can keep a good staff around Freeman.
I love you all, even if WE’RE FUCKED!!!! 💚
• Your Resident Doomer, Rusty