mists of hate

Okay so, see my problem is I think I'm going crazy. Well I'm not going crazy, that's the problem and no one belives me but this shit is freaking Insane and I don't know what to do anymore.

It all started a few weeks ago in a misty night, and you know it's often misty here. Well I started to sleep bad and had nightmares. Strange dreams and in my dreams I was under the earth and I hated everything... I hated everything so much.

I don't know what a fucking dream this was, but like... since I had this dream the first time, I have it all the time now, I am with my brothers and sisters under the earth and we sing this song... it's such a strange sad song. We sing it and we are waiting for the moment our time is coming... and then I wake up.

But I feel like the dream never ends, I hear this strange song ringing on in my head long after I wake up. I know this isn't a dream it is... real somehow. I don't even know what the fuck this all means.

But there's these things these... I don't know what they are, but they are older than us and they live under the earth. They have watched us for a long time, and for some reason they hate us. They hate us so badly...

And like I've been noticing these figures in the night lately. These shadow things, these shapes in the night. First it were only a few, but they're getting more every night. You see them in the night, if you watch out... those small, grey... things... people? They have huge hands, like shovels. And they have eyesockets but no eyes. They can't see, they orient themselves by smell... and they sing this fucking song.

It gets louder every time it happens, and I feel like it's happening more often.

I have started to nail shut my windows. I don't know the fuck what to do, everyone thinks I'm crazy when I talk about it. But these things are gathering, and I know that our smell drives them crazy...

I try to shower and wash myself as much as I can to hide my smell... I don't think it works. I'm so scared, because I think one day they'll just start dragging us down with them... You awake in the night and then there are 3 or 4 of them and they will take their big clawed shovel hands and drag you down with them, down below the earth into their fucking tunnels...

Last night there were so many of them... hundreds... thousands? I don't know. I don't understand why no one can see them, they are fucking everywhere. I wish this would stop, I'm so scared of the mist now. Every night it gets worse. They are getting more, their song gets louder.

This fucking song... I don't even understand what this is, it's not even music its like... I don't know. It's like it comes from everywhere and nowhere at the same time, like it's a fucking bug that has been born in the the middle of my throat and now eating its way to the outside and killing me in the process.

Why do they hate us so much? Why do they have such a bloodlust? Why the fuck is this happening? This is fucking crazy. I think I'm going to kill myself. I don't want to be here when it happens... They are calling to me. I don't know why, I don't know what they want from me...

What the fuck is happening? Oh for fucks sake there is the mist again...