Emetophobia anxiety.

Finally going to speak to a doctor this week about my emetophobia. I honestly can handle the rest of my R-CPD symptoms, I don't get as bad symptoms as a lot of you guys. But my emetophobia is bad. I used to be able to live with it, I'd do a ton of avoidance - leave a public place if someone is ill, isolate a home if someone in my household gets sick, I'd literally stop eating until I was 48 hours clear of other people's bugs!

But I just can't work that anymore. I have a nearly 2 year old. He attends nursery and the anxiety of him picking up a bug is just too much. I'm on edge all the time, just waiting for him to be sick. The fear of norovirus this winter has been doing my head in. I don't want to continue feeling like this and I don't want my anxiety to affect him either.

Hopefully my Dr can suggest some help until such time I can get the Botox treatment. Wish me luck!