Should I go to Dr. Bastian?

My primary physician has referred me to an ENT specialist, but cautioned me that they have probably never seen this before. My appointment is 6 weeks away. I doubt they will actually do the procedure then. I can't get much info on the phone; they want to talk in the office.

No one near me is on the surgeon list here. There is one about 120 miles aways, but the reviews say they like to do a small dose.

Should I just go directly yo Dr. Bastian in Illinois? I think I could get a referral from my primary care physician.

I've read that there are several doctors in his office that can do the surgery. What is the process? I'll have to fly there so I don't want to do multiple visits.

Is this usually covered by insurance? What about when the surgery is out of state?

How long does it usually take from first contact to the surgery?