If life is truly just meaningless why not just try and make the best of it?
This sub gets recommended to me a lot lately. I have no idea why. I don't mind seeing some discussion in here, so I don't mute it. Although it is occasionally very fucking depressing.
I'm probably in essence a nihilist, in the sense I truly do believe everything is meaningless to a point. I suppose I made a decision early on upon realising this that I'd just make the most of whatever this is because it's all I'll ever know.
I feel like that's the way people should think about it, of course some people are doomed for one reason or another or feel like they are. I feel like the meaning of life is established by how finite life is, not the opposite. I guess I feel like this ultra pessimistic nihilist perspective is just a waste, why not just try and make the most of it? Instead of just literally giving up entirely?