Power use….

We are looking at changing power companies. Currently with Powershop (controlled and uncontrolled use) which is fine. But I’m looking at pulse energy, who have off peak rates etc.

We do a lot of things like run dishwasher, washing machine, dryer, charge devices, heat pump overnight. And only really home for the evening peak. And I wondered whether that would be more beneficial to us than being on a controlled vs uncontrolled plan.

Also, those who have a spa, how do you currently use it to heat/cycle. Ours turns on every hour for 10? Mins and cycles. But I wondered whether there’s a better option we could be doing.

We have looked at solar, but our banks sustainable loan option is based on a floating rate which is currently 6.75% so we may hold off a bit, as their 2k kickback over 4 years for a sustainable loan doesn’t “cover” the interest they charge. So making sure our power use is at the best it can be for now is the go to
