Surprised at the recent “mixed” reviews on steam..

So I’m someone that got the game back in 2021 on launch and even played In the 2 betas before the game came out. When the game first came out I leveled my character to max (60 at the time) and had a good amount of fun but the game definitely felt lackluster at the time especially for end game.

I’ve peaked into the game since then for brimstone sands and rise of the angry earth but never could really sink my teeth back into it. Recently I came back for the new launch and I’ve been having an absolutely blast.

Everything from leveling (I’m 62 right now) and even growing my farming and crafting skills has been so much more enjoyable. On top of that I’m actually excited to get to end game for the raid and the new solo pvp area.

So after all that I figured steam would reflect the same yet the recent review are all “mixed”. Don’t get me wrong I know the game isn’t perfect but I feel like it’s made huge improvements so I don’t understand why. I know the new ui isn’t the best but I don’t think it’s horrible. Honestly I don’t even notice it. Also I heard people are teaming in the new pvp area but even with that I thought the game would show better on steam…

If you have negative opinions about the game why? I’m genuinely curious what’s the reason for the hate this time around. That’s coming from someone who threw out my fair bit of hate for the last few years about the game. But I feel like with all the positive changes it’s going in the right direction finally. Just thought of asking… thanks for reading lol!