Is contact napping doing more harm than good?

So my LO is 9 weeks old and a velcro baby, she sleeps 10 hours through the night in her crib but does not nap in her crib throughout the day. Don’t get me wrong, the sleeping at night is great and she does sleep in her crib but throughout the day she only naps on me. Her not napping through the day has nothing to do with her sleeping so long through the night. She will nap around 3 hours in the baby wrap about 3 times a day compared to if I put her in her crib she only naps for 20 mins. I don’t want her to not get used to her crib but putting her in wrap is the only way I can get things done! Does anyone have any suggestions? Is this going to make it harder for me or is this just a normal part of the newborn stage?

EDIT: thank you for everyone’s advice and comments. I just want to preface that I am not complaining about the contact naps and having her in a carrier. i love them and I cherish these times with her. I know I will miss it eventually but that was not the point of the post. I was simply asking whether I should be trying to transition her into her crib through the day. I’m happy to have her in her carrier but sometimes it isn’t practical when I need to jump in the shower quickly or cook some dinner! I also would like to state that my partner does very long shift work and I don’t have him here to take over and help if I need to get certain things done.

EDIT 2: this was also not a “who has it worse” debate. We all have different experiences. Just because one has it harder doesn’t mean you are not allowed to find things hard also.

TDLR; 9 week old will not nap through day in her crib despite sleeping well in her crib at night. Will only nap if I’m wearing her.