Contact nap conundrums!

Soo as the title suggests, contact naps are slowly doing us in! LO is 3 and a half weeks and is EBF if that helps at all.

LO will sleep well for the most part, but only if he is held by someone. Anytime we try to put him in his crib or bassinet we'll get 10 minutes out of him at best before he wakes up and kicks off. This applies to both day and night.

We're currently dealing with this by setting a schedule where one of us is awake with him constantly. It's working for him, but not for us as one of us essentially has to be up all night to get him some sleep by sacrificing our own. - We try to claw this back the next day but it isn't always feasible. Though it isn't ideal, it is sort ot working.

However, Dad goes back to work next week and we're at a massive loss on what to do. He won't be able to do the night shift as it currently stands, and though we can make allowances for that by tweaking things, whatever way we look at it, it places an awful lot of pressure on Mum to deal with the bulk of the night followed by the next daya when Dad is working as well.

Anybody been through similar? How did you cope? Did baby learn to sleep in their crib/bassinet? Any tips or tricks to get them to do this you used? - We feel that if we could get baby to sleep and Mum could sleep when he does the transition of Dad going back to work would be manageable.

Any and all advice welcome!