Resenting my husband
Hey, friends. I’m not really sure why I’m posting, maybe to just vent or maybe I want to know I’m not alone or maybe I need to know it’ll get better. Maybe all three of the aforementioned. I’ve started to just loathe my husband recently. Our LO is 6 weeks old and while he is an absolutely wonderful husband and father, I’ve been so fucking angry at everything he does. It’s even more crazy that I basically craved him and wanted to be around him 24/7 while I was pregnant. Now he just makes me mad. I EBF, and the baby screams and cries a lot unless she’s eating. There’s not much he can do besides change diapers or hold her, but she doesn’t really let him soothe her so I end up back with her. That’s fine, she needs her mommy. I get it. But other things have really been getting to me. It’s like we argue every day over something stupid. For example, he puts white and colored lights on our Christmas tree. I don’t love the colored lights, but he does, so whatever. That’s a stupid thing to be mad about on my end. However, our most recent issue came last night. We bought curtains for our living room and he was putting them up while I fed baby. He says he’s leaving the curtains off the window with the tree in it so the tree can be seen from the road. I snapped on him. Like why can’t we put the curtains up on ALL the windows and just open the curtain at night? He didn’t understand but ended up putting the curtain up, still with a smile on his face. Yet again, silly on my part to be mad about. I yelled at him and called him stupid, snatched the curtains off that particular window and went to another room to feed the baby. He went and made dinner, brought me a plate and told me he loved me. I immediately felt awful. I don’t know why I’ve been so quick to anger lately. It’s just so frustrating and I feel like I can’t control it. Please don’t come for me in the comments. I know this isn’t okay and I have an appointment with my OB this Thursday. If you made it this far, thanks for reading