Which MVP candidates would have best/worst stories if they win?
Based on latest MVP board here are top candidates:
Jokic Tatum KD Luka Giannis Embiid Morant Mitchell
I was thinking we can list whose story would be most interesting if they win and whose would be least interesting?
Obviously it’s just opinion based.
Top for me:
KD - winning after tearing Achilles would be an incredible feat.
Jokic - this one is tricky. He’ll have an amazing story if he wins 3 in a row and then goes in a deep playoff run but a weak story if for some reason they don’t succeed in the playoffs. I think they’ll be a great playoff team so I’ll put him here.
Least interesting for me:
Tatum - I guess if he goes on a huge tear it would be a good story but if his stats still don’t compete with the top guns it would feel like a media driven mvp win this year. I’m biased as a Philly fan but it seems like he shouldn’t have a case as the number 2 guy on current leaderboard compared to the other top 5.
Embiid - I love him and it would be great for his career story but it wouldn’t be the most compelling story this season now that he’s got harden as a running mate.