Beware of brokers: A cautionary tale from personal experience

I am sharing this because I have seen many posts asking for search of broker to shift to Navi Mumbai.

I just wanted to share a warning with all of you based on my recent experience with brokers. I've learned the hard way that it's best to avoid them as much as possible.

Not only will you have to pay them for essentially doing nothing, but you'll also be left to handle all the legwork yourself. And to make matters worse, they often won't take responsibility for their actions and may even resort to dishonesty just to close a deal and collect their brokerage fee.

I'm sharing this in hopes that it will help others avoid the same frustrations and financial losses that I've experienced. Has anyone else out there had similar dealings with brokers? What were your experiences like?

Edit: Just wanted to add that I'm not trying to bash all brokers, but rather to caution people to be aware of the potential pitfalls of working with them.