Need legitimate advice.

Okay. I am going to give a dumbed down version since I know some guardsmen that lurk here.

Howdy. So I need legitimate advice.

So I have been working to go into the Guard for the past year and well over the past year it has been pretty bad (by bad I mean traumatic) on the home front and it has plummeted my mental health like not the little "I am depressed" like full on mental breaks and panic attacks.

I enlist on the next month but I'll be stuck in RSP until next year due to High School. My recruiter does know about my mental health stuff but he is encouraging me to enlist and get help after basic and AIT. Like I stated this would be a year from now but I need help now.

I am completely utterly lost on what to do since on one hand if I loose the Military route it will only tank my mental health even more but on the other hand I seriously need help.