People who don't care about names' meanings, why??

baby name meanings are really important to me, and i personally wouldn't name my kid anything with a bad meaning like war, sad, etc

some names i like the sound of, but got rid of because i didn't like the meaning: Arthur (bear), Tristan (sad), Wayne (wagon driver, this one isn't so bad, might use it as a middle name) there's a lot more, but i couldn't think of them off the top my head

most of the names on my list mean stuff like peaceful, happy, rich, kind, smart, healthy, etc

i've noticed a lot of people don't care about the meaning of their kids' names, but i'm not sure why?? i was raised Christian so i think that has something to do with it (like Proverbs 18:21; "the tongue has the power of life and dxath, and those who love it will eat its fruit", so i personally believe your kids' name is what you're saying they are, or what you're speaking over their life) ,

but i think a positive name is something parents of all backgrounds and beliefs and cultures would want for their kids?? i'm not even sure why people started naming their kids stuff with bad meanings in the first place, like at what point in time did people say "hey let's name the baby blind" "oh wow honey, that's a great idea!!"

is it just because most names have unpleasant meanings?? or do people just care more about how the name sounds ??

(i'm not trying to judge or shame anyone, just want to have a discussion)