It doesn't really matter

Looks,money or status.Which one makes things easy for you in the dating market?

I have been around long enough to recognize that while it does matter it still doesn't matter. It's so easy to give yourself excuses as a man by saying

He is just tall, he got lucky, that one is rich that's why, he has it easy because of the looks, I don't have money..... But did you actually take time to think? This kind of thinking holds you back.

Everything about being attractive to women is free. You don't have to drop a dime on anything for women to find you attractive. Crazy how the internet has shaped how people think so bad that they take on every opinion not facts as is.

Saw some celebrity spend dollar bands and you are quick to say women care about money. She made out with that great looking guy at the bar on the first date..women only care about looks. Basically all you are doing is looking to confirm all that you heard someone talk about or did see happen and then decide that's how you are going to see the world going forward

And before you come at me,I did pop and overdose on redpill stuff for quite a while. It definitely opens your eyes to how evil women can be. I did and I could never see women the same way. The redpill has some truth to it but with that kind of thinking process you are basically limiting yourself

Shit had me hating women. I couldn't talk to girls and when I did it was platonic straight to the point.Zero flirting. 2 years zero cheeks... nothing. Guess I took too much of that stuff 😂. Almost went MGTOW but I soon dropped it. I had to

I basically accepted that's how women are and I was finally free. I borrowed my thinking from guys like Zan Perrion. His way is that which leaves lasting impressions on women. One where women would travel miles from one continent to another just to meet him just because he made them feel like Women. You have to read the Alabaster Girl,his book, in order to get it.

He never talked about looks, money or status though he does suggest that they can play a role.

All I can say is that when people say money,looks or status matter my brain is quick to obliterate that kind of thinking.

Even Casanova himself didn't have any of that.

Now many would suggest that this doesn't work after what they have seen out there but I can say it does work and I don't usually talk about this even with my closest friends..

It's all about her emotions,pace her reality, make her feel, keep things exciting, make her feel like a woman, have passion and let it show in how you talk....

Just love women and they will love you. Incase you get rejected,no biggy.

This is not about ego or about how many women you can pull. For me it's about having a great time and making memories. The only time I fumble is when I make it about me and try to move things too fast.

Looks, money and status matter but I consider them just a bonus. Everything else is free and easily achievable.

What do you think?