There is a babe on TikTok. She wakes up and makes a video telling me, "good morning, Kababa? How was your night? What are you taking for breakfast?"
Then she proceeds to wish me a fruitful day in a very soft and sweet voice. Every day, as soon as I wake up, I normally log into TikTok just to watch and listen to her brighten my day.
Then in the evening, before I sleep, she uploads another video telling me, "Good evening, Kababa? I know you are tired, Kababa. I am sorry. What will you eat? Eat then get a rest for the night. Good night Kababa."
When she kisses me goodnight, I always mute to myself, "goodnight too, Kamama." Then I curl on my bed and sleep soundly, until the following day when I wake up to her melodious good morning, Kababa.
We, the singles, are sorted. We are okay.