Recommendations for a good post breakup movie like 'Someone Great'

So I’ve been looking for movies to help me deal with my breakup and the only one I’ve found so far is Someone Great on Netflix. It is a beautiful and heart wrenching story about two people who come to the realisation that even though they both love each other they are no longer right for each other. It rips me to pieces because it is a depiction of choosing yourself, setting good boundaries and figuring out what you want in life and who you want to be. Of loving someone but letting them go.

And that’s where I am in my relationship. I love my husband desperately and deeply but I know right now we aren’t right for each other. I left him and I don’t know what I want or who I am and I’m dead set on figuring that out before I start trying to find another relationship, or even potentially approaching trying again with him. I don’t know right know. I still love him and maybe one day in the future, if we’ve both had time to live our separate lives and figure out what we want and who we are we could get back together. It would take a LOT of head and heart work but it’s not out of the question. But we’re on separate journeys right now. I want desperately to know how he is doing, where he is at but it’s not my place anymore. All I can do is figure out where I am going and who knows what will happen. But it’s hard to let go.

So I’ve been trying to find relatable movies to help. Someone Great is the only thing that I’ve found that even comes close to how I am feeling. Of loving someone but letting them go and choosing yourself in the meantime.

I tried watching 500 days of summer which I knew I wouldn’t find too relatable and I was correct. I could not stand Tom and his idolisation of Summer who was very clear and upfront with him about what she wanted. He was obsessive and stalkery and by the end of the film it felt like he had not learned anything – just moved on to another relationship (or a potential one) with Autumn without stopping to take a good look at himself and work out his role in the failure of the relationship with Summer. Anyway, I know it’s somewhat realistic in the sense that people do move on but I want something where the person chooses to work on themselves and recognise their past relationship for exactly what it was.

I also watched Celeste and Jesse forever. On the surface it sounded perfect – two people who weren’t right for each other, getting a divorce and trying to stay friends while seeing other people. But Celeste was infuriating. She was callous and selfish and oblivious and so in denial about her own feelings that I just wanted to scream at her the whole time. She initiated the divorce and then got mad at Jesse for moving on and trying to make something out of his life – I recognise the feeling of struggling to let someone you love go but her insistence that ‘she was right’ and ‘why couldn’t he be that for her’ was just so fucking frustrating. I liked the wedding speech she made but I just wanted her to get to the point where she realised she had to let him go and that she needed to work on herself before she could move on. And it was so close. So freaking close, she broke it off with the yoga guy cause ‘she needed to go through the divorce alone’ but then called him back immediately after signing the papers saying that she felt she was ready without doing any of the inner work. I hated it. I hated it so much.

I want something that will rip my heart out. Something cathartic and heartbreaking but ultimately beautiful. Something that involves learning to love someone and let them go. Sorry if this is a little long and involved but if anyone has any recommendations for movies which might suit what I’m looking for I would love to hear it.

I just want a really good cry.