Curious on thoughts
What movie or show would you say has the best biblical characters? not necessarily realistic according to the Bible, but like the most bada**, or most ruthless, or a good depiction of a modern day (whoever), like Paul botany in Micheal as an example of what I'm talking about, not saying he was the best, but was awesome for that movie and what it was. But along those line is what I am talking about. Also, in the same vein, what movies have the best retelling of biblical stories or modernized versions etc. Looking for interesting movies that loosely play with the characters and stories of the Bible but in crazy or interesting ways. turn characters and what they may be known for into something interesting. Like Cain in supernatural being the father/creator of murder, so everyone who knows is terrified of him because being that it doesn't matter who you are or which side anyone could become another tally mark for him.