Opinion: bike and bike parts advertisement on social media is getting more and more cringe

I have been getting back into mountainbiking after a while. So I am exposed to more mtb realted content on social media.

One videos I watched lately criticized a pinkbike podcast where presenters roasted slow riders. Relevant or not it made me look at pinkbike and other media mediums more critically.

What i realized is that, also after reading some forums, all the reviews and stuff use same language, same over hyped marketing phrases. As someone who is interested in marketing I find these hyped up slogans really cringe worthy.

Today they released the new spindrift from propain and I am seeing stuff about new fox transfer. I reckon in a few days everywhere they will write “freeride ain’t dead”.

And honestly I do not get the hype they created for the new transfer post. Okay it is a nice dropper post but why are you reviewing it as a game changer.

The reviews lost their sincerity while I was away in my opinion. Just wanted to check what people here thought.