2020 Ducati monster 821 or 2020 Ducati monster 821 Stealth

Hi guys so I'm in a bit of a dilemma. I have 2 choices and can't decide

1st 2020 monster 821 stealth Price - £7250 Miles - 5098 Sc project exhaust Tail tidy 1 little nick/dent on tank

2nd 2020 red monster 821 Price- £7499 ( may come down) Miles -6089 Scorpion exhaust ( sounds better than sc project) Frame sliders Heated grips EBC Front discs and break pads (£500)

I know the stealth has a quick shifter and adjustable front forks. And someone said the 2020 has updated electronica from the 1200 but not sure what they are.

The stealth didn't grab my attention as much as the red paint scheme, but am I making a mistake not getting it as it has the quick shifter and adjustable forks? I'm having a very hard time deciding what one to get.

Any help would be appreciated :)