First ever game!

Last night I ran my first game as a keeper!

Our mystery was that a Leshen was in the nearby woods and killing folks to appease the forest.

I absolutely loved playing but I have a few notes I'd like to maybe get some feedback on

I found things at first were going very slow. The party kept getting stuck investigating the same place. I remedied this by telling them that they need to branch out and explore other parts of town based on the evidence and info they have. I think this helped a lot as they begun to take the story into their own hands.

I think one issue they had was some of the moves. Particularly investigation and read a bad situation. They found that having a set list felt really restrictive and they couldn't investigate stuff they wanted to investigate. Is there a way I can help them?

Finally I had issues with one player struggling to get into character. He loves making characters but always struggles playing them. He spends most of session making jokes that are really out of place or making decisions he definitely wouldn't make sense for his character or the situation. That is fine though. Out of game I know that's how he just is, but I struggle with him not talking as his character. He would say things such as "My character goes up to NPC and I want to convince her to give him info" I would then prompt him to say what his character would say to get this information from them and he would get confused and just let someone else do it. I know he's not shy, he's the least shy person I know... so what can I do to encourage him to be more into his character?

Anyway I loved running this game. It was such an intense ending as the players locked themselves inside a summer camp cabin and just barely managed to blow its head off with a sawed off before they died (each hunter being at 1 or 2 marks remaining. And that being after already spending 2-3 luck each)

Anyway my partner who played that session made this cool journal page on canva as well I thought I'd share

Last night I ran my first game as a keeper!

Our mystery was that a Leshen was in the nearby woods and killing folks to appease the forest.

I absolutely loved playing but I have a few notes I'd like to maybe get some feedback on

I found things at first were going very slow. The party kept getting stuck investigating the same place. I remedied this by telling them that they need to branch out and explore other parts of town based on the evidence and info they have. I think this helped a lot as they begun to take the story into their own hands.

I think one issue they had was some of the moves. Particularly investigation and read a bad situation. They found that having a set list felt really restrictive and they couldn't investigate stuff they wanted to investigate. Is there a way I can help them?

Finally I had issues with one player struggling to get into character. He loves making characters but always struggles playing them. He spends most of session making jokes that are really out of place or making decisions he definitely wouldn't make sense for his character or the situation. That is fine though. Out of game I know that's how he just is, but I struggle with him not talking as his character. He would say things such as "My character goes up to NPC and I want to convince her to give him info" I would then prompt him to say what his character would say to get this information from them and he would get confused and just let someone else do it. I know he's not shy, he's the least shy person I know... so what can I do to encourage him to be more into his character?

Anyway I loved running this game. It was such an intense ending as the players locked themselves inside a summer camp cabin and just barely managed to blow its head off with a sawed off before they died (each hunter being at 1 or 2 marks remaining. And that being after already spending 2-3 luck each)

Anyway my partner who played that session made this cool journal page on canva as well I thought I'd share