GS design in Risebreak is cancer dogshit stupid
Fuck Strongarm Stance and fuck whoever decided to slightly decrease the bonus Focus 3 gives to GS charges, supposedly in exchange for sharpness multipliers: who cares, either way, the weapon entire toolkit is so neutered by a single move that whenever you're not countering something and landing a giga TCS, you're already missing one million damage.
The entire concept of "mobility" in Rise is so fucked up beyond repair, that I honestly don't understand what the dipshit who came up with it had in mind. Some people say that monsters have no taunts or openings, which is not true, except maybe for Risen Shagaru (which is a meme on its own). In fact, each monster will do a whole string and then taunt... at the other side of the arena. Because then Ichinose will tell you: "well, use your wirebug BS to zap towards him". Mind you, the time it takes you to run up to them and do your stuff already counts for the taunt, so what you're supposed to do for a weapon that still needs to charge an attack is to read the entire string and guess where the fuck he is going to land, so you're in your cringy counter stance when he lands the final hit. That if the monster doesn't decide that is tracking time mid-combo, and slides halfway across the arena to hit you, Elden Ring style. Or worse: focus the second half of his string on the cat, or in some random small monster. And no, if you know how the game works, you know that you need at least one cat, since the "balance" for such an overpowered move is to make you be always searching for the third wirebug like a crackhead. And no, Diversion is placebo. So, yeah, that is peak fun.
We could have Adamant Slash at least be the Valor charge, so that we could keep up with the "mobility" of the game, if Hammer has Keeping Sway. But no, fuck charging a GS. It's countering or nothing.
Not to mention how stingy the game is with inputs, because well, it has to be, right? I had one of you genius here once tell me "don't mash", but if this guy had ever touched a GS in this game, he would know that pressing L2+triangle when the monster roars is not mashing. But it takes someone who knows the game to understand that, and there's no place deeper in ignorance about the mechanics of the game than an MH Subreddit. Enjoy the coin toss, if the game will understand that you are in your meme stance, charging the GS or nothing at all: just admiring the view while the monster throws his BS at you.
I then finally gave up on GS for the rest of the fights I haven't done (RIsen lvl 300, Hazard Malzeno, and the likes of), because you can only have so much of Strongarm brain rot. Then look at the Hammer: at least it gets an actual wirebug move that preserves charges, and doesn't have its big damage moves tied to wirebugs (this is so, so cancer, please, delete this shit). But... it turns out, Strength Hammer falls behind Courage charge spam, because well, it's Rise, so of course we're not allowed to have fun.
So yeah, fuck Strongarm, fuck Wirebugs, fuck Rise and all of its dogshit mechanics. I hope the guy who created this move never gets to touch GS design in the future, but seeing that there will be a 360 TCS spam meta pretty soon, I guess he already found a strong contender.