Brachydios made me realise just how fucking shit these iceborne fights are.

So I'm nearly at Velkhana. At least, I fucking hope so. I thought I would be after Glavenus and Nargacuga but apparently despite having all the tracks found for Velkhana the commission still don't know where the fuck that lame elder is, so now I have two MORE fights before the flagship comes.

Brachydios was so fucking good, though. Extremely punishing when you screw up positioning (the slime bombs caused me to cart TWICE and nearly a third) but very readable and gave me enough time to breathe, more so than any monster in iceborne. He felt like I was back in high rank almost, though I was fighting him with 4 others. A funny turf war from Azure Rathalos (seriously what the fuck, how many of these lame ass things are there) damn near finished him off and a teammate captured him on the spot right after. Very fun fight.

Why is this on a rage sub? Because Brachydios puts into perspective the absolute shitshow of Iceborne's fights thus far, and proves that the bullshit wasn't because they just couldn't make a good fight for the difficulty. Because they DID.

FUCK all this bloated hp nonsense. FUCK the hyperagressive AI's Being on crack and the damage so high that even with the best gear for my level even most regular attacks will two shot me no matter what. FUCK the inability to heal because these crackheads jump me from halfway across the fucking room.

Solo play is damn near impossible for me. I can't deal with these monsters anymore like I used to in High rank. I got through the whole basegame story just fine mostly in solo, using only SoS on kushala and toaster, and a xeno'jiva after simply running out of time to deal damage while running out of all supplies. I could actually read these monsters in solo play, work out their tells and figure out what happens with each move. Even monsters like Nerg who I ranted about in high rank were very learnable, I beat him like 10 times trying to get a full armor set and by the sapphire star I fucking got it.

But master rank? Fuck that. The monsters are too strong, too fast, and too fucking unreadable. These fights are not fun, they're fucking chores. I'm sure it'll get better once the elders get involved, maybe, but even then the hp bloat making even 4 man fights take 30+ minutes is a fucking slog. Even worse is when the whole team carts at once because tigrex charged them AGAIN or somebody dared used a health booster in a barioth fight.

Yeah yeah skill issue or whatever but fuck, high rank was so much better than this shit. Brachydios is proof they could've done so mucn better...

If it weren't for safi and kulve sieges + the fatalis fight I'd have probably considered quitting already. How the fuck does a dlc make a game WORSE.