I just realized humans don't like it when you're too different from them

This is a realization I came to understand this year. You're often told to be YOU, and live your life, but it's all just empty talk when it comes to reality. People like someone they can relate to, not someone they must try to understand. People like to see bits of themselves in someone else. Only a few will find a different person and be like " Oh yeah this person is different. That's interesting, maybe I can learn one thing or two about them." Sadly, it's not the norm.

The older I grow, the more I realize people love to boast about themselves as the smartest humans in the room, but when you scratch their egg, they're just like someone else. I did come across some insanely intelligent people throughout my life who were different, but sadly, they were the minority. By different I mean they have their own thoughts, style, and goals and not the stuff they borrowed from influencers as their own.

The older I grow, the more I realize loneliness will follow me throughout the rest of my life because I have been different since day 1. I remember bringing comics to read in primary school and everyone looked at me like I'm an Alien. The cool kids (although they were the boring kids in my eyes) were the bullies, and society had no problem with that back then.

Most of the people I come across in my country are shallow, following trends, buying what they're told to buy, what to think, how to behave, and the funny thing is they think they're special. They think they're free, when they're not. They think they're different, when they're the same person sitting on the shelf of similar people.

It's hard not being a misanthrope when humans claim something but reality slaps you in the face. I just realized humans don't like it when you're too different from them. What awaits after this realization is pure loneliness.