Posing as Christian??
Definitely not a post solely regarding Milena but I’m just getting really annoyed with it recently and have to know if anyone else sees this the same way..
Theres so many Christian influencers I used to follow back in the day, Milena and the labrants being two of the most remembered channels.. and it’s honestly just making me feel sick seeing any of them nowadays. These people push their religion so hard through content, milking their viewers for their money, getting filthy rich, buying all the expensive clothes, decor, furniture.. even building or buying their excessively large homes.. all while doing NOTHING for others. Literally nothing. It baffles me!!!!
My church make homemade food for the needy, fundraise, donate, consume less, actively support others, actively support those in need, tidy up communities, plant flowers, tend to the wildlife.. I find it wild these families have so much privilege, so much influence, so much money, so much time and yet they do nothing with it that isn’t self serving. Unless it’s their friends or their circle no one is helped, nothing kind is done. I think I’ve seen once ONE single thing from Milena and Jordan on their platform which was sponsoring a child. Of all the posts I’ve seen of her kids I’ve never seen her actively involving them in helping others or doing good for others or the environment either.
I don’t know. Maybe I’ve missed a few things that she has done, maybe they do stuff behind closed doors.. it just seems so wasteful and silly to me to post about home decor and dresses and jewellery and the bible all of the time and not about doing good to encourage your followers to do good too if that was the case?
if you’re going to lead with being a Christian influencer then surely being a genuine Christian is about doing rather than just reciting words over and over right? Surely it would be better to vlog soup kitchen or making christmas boxes for orphans or care packages for the homeless or a Christmas haul for families needing to use food banks, giveaways etc. that’s what I’d do… 🫣