Got an $80 “snow removal” bill from the city…

I live in Wisconsin and have literally never had an issue before with caring for the sidewalks and what not, until now. Got an $80 bill in the mail for “reasonable costs” of snow removal… I was not provided any photos, just the bill. My husband called public works, who’s in charge of this stuff, to ask how to dispute the bill since we thought it was probably meant for our neighbor who doesn’t shovel and she told him that they think that maybe they took a picture of the wrong house, but she couldn’t show him the photos because they’re “not available to the public.” So the next day I go to the city hall where they are located and just so happened to go on the day that everyone was out sick and the person helping me didn’t seem to know much of what was going on. He happily printed the photos out for me, but insisted that yes they meant to charge us, but not without seeming very embarrassed about it when we looked at the photos. Now to dispute it I have to write a letter to the city council to be decided on at the next city council meeting and if I don’t pay the bill they will put a lien on my house… I feel like I’m going crazy that this is all happening over a tiny bit of slush? Half of the slush isn’t even on my property, they angled the photo so you can’t see my neighbors porch directly in front of most of it on the right side, which they didn’t receive a bill for (which I don’t think they should have but like be consistent at least I guess??). There is more snow on the sidewalk in front of city hall right now. This all seems so shady, I’m wondering how many people they’ve been charging BS bills to and then saying the photos “aren’t available to the public.”

First photo is the before, second photo is the after, third photo is highlighted where my property line ends and becomes my neighbors sidewalk/property.