
I’m a chronic migraineur and am on preventatives (10mg propranolol, monthly emgality, mag supplements, ubrelvy and rizatriptan for abortive) but still get breakthrough migraine cycles that last for 6-7 days at a time. The abortive meds occasionally help stave off symptoms for 4-6 hours, as does ibuprofen. I don’t have enough supply of ubrelvy to take it every day during a bad week. 800mg of ibuprofen usually makes me feel like a new human within an hour, but it wears off and the pain comes right back and of course I have to decide whether to take another dose or just suffer through. I’m worried about rebound headaches as I’m scared I won’t know if I’m experiencing rebound or just the chronic nature of my headaches. For chronic migraine friends: do you use ibuprofen/OTC meds at all? If so, what rules have you established for yourself around using it?