Playing MGS and army crawling helped me when my leg was broken
Around may last year I completely fucked up my leg, broke 2 bones in my tibia and tore my Anterior Tibial tendon in my right foot, and it left me home bound for a couple months
To recover i lived in my dad’s basement for that time, and they would leave me meals in a mini fridge that was down there when they made dinner. While I was homebound I no lifed the metal gear saga and one day I was given pasta but with no fork. I didnt wanna man handle the pasta with my bare hands, but couldn’t bring my walker or my crutches up stairs where all the utensils were
I crawled up the stairs bear styles on my knees, and the door from the basement to the kitchen drawer was relatively long to try to get there unassisted, so I did that snake does in MGS and I army crawled just the way he does. It was surprisingly the most efficient way to move around. Instead of using my foot to propel myself, I could use my entire leg and move myself forward. so i army crawled to the kitchen where I was able to grab and fork and army crawl my way back to enjoy some pasta