Johnson and Johnson Covid Vaccine Candidate 72% Effective in the US and 66% Effective Overall at Preventing Moderate to Severe COVID-19, 28 Days after Vaccination
Vaccine Candidate 72% Effective in the US and 66% Effective Overall at Preventing Moderate to Severe COVID-19, 28 Days after Vaccination
85% Effective Overall in Preventing Severe Disease and Demonstrated Complete Protection Against COVID-19 related Hospitalization and Death as of Day 28
Protection Against Severe Disease Across Geographies, Ages, and Multiple Virus Variants, including the SARS-CoV-2 Variant from the B.1.351 Lineage Observed in South Africa
57% in South Africa, 28 days post-vaccination
Overall I am slightly disappointed in the efficacy of this vaccine given it was supposed to the the community workhorse, but its efficacy against the South African variant appears to be decent.