Tailbone Pain

Recently, I ( African-American 16 male, 70 kg, 6’0/184cm) was out on an artificial grass pitch, and I landed backwards onto my butt. Now it hurts to sit, lay down on my back, and do physical exercise. I was told that it is bruised (even though I didn’t fall that hard and it was on an artificial grass pitch), and I have a pretty busy next few months that I would hate to miss out on. I have rugby tournaments that end in about 4 months, I have flight training in a small plane (piper archer), and I have a few vacations planned where I will visit amusement parks. For example, I will go to an amusement park in about 3.5 months, and I am hoping that it won’t hurt as much to go on the thrill rides. How long should it take to feel normal and is there any way I can speed up the process?