Cost calculation question
I remember seeing this question a few years back and it still stumps me seeing it to this day. I get $3.9m as the annual cost, I have absolutely no clue where the options given are coming from? It'd be cool to see where i was going wrong after all this time.
The question is:
Product B is 4 x 2 x 0.5m in size. Based on 417 units/week, shipping to Europe costs $2803. What is the cost per year.
The internal dimensions of one shipping container is 12.032 x 2.352 x 2.352m
So far I have found the amount of products that fit in 1 container to be 16 using:
(12.032 x 2.352 x 2.352) x (4 x 2 x 0.5) = 16 rounded down
Then i did:
417/16 = 27 rounded up
27 x $2803 = $75,681
$75,681 x 52 = $3,952,412
This doesn't come close to any answers given but Im completely stumped what im missing?
Any help is apprciated. 👍