Here to praise Mikanko's good name
Man I've built this deck a few months ago and like 5-6 decks later it's STILL my favorite goto deck for ranked. When I was a noob I built it because I was getting washed by tenpai soooo much (my first deck was shadoll/invoked) and me being a old returning player was naturally frustrated with the state of yugiyo at the time 10 minute turns and all.
I hate super meta for anything, playing with something I see everyone using is never fun for me personally.
So I built a pure Mikanko deck and it was B L I S S. What? meta slave? LAVA GOLEM!
What's that ending boss monsters with negates and a max c to start my turn? LAVA GOLEM! KAIJU!
Then when I get my best green girl on the field 50% of decks are instantly pretty much unable to remove her. I can't tell you how many times I've seen the awkward pause from the opponent trying to figure out how to remove her into the S:P Little Knight link summon but again realzing it targets (lol).
It's really not too crazy imo compared to other meta decks because unlike a lot of meta decks because Mikanko really doesn't "stop" the other player from playing yu-gi-yo it just catches a lot of people by surprise because this deck seems rare for some reason even though it's pretty high rank on some websites tier list (which i recently found out). So when people see you they don't know how to get around it.
But I love the deck because tbh it just feels "anti-meta"* of course certain meta Mikanko is still really weak to. (Labrynth, Runick) But a lot of times doesn't matter what the other guy plays the deck allows me to play the game at the very least.
"idgaf about those negates, I'm gonna play my cards now" - me almost every duel
Like the decks it's weak to mentioned above, this deck does brick. Doesn't run cards hand traps because your draw the out is Kaiju's. But this deck does get hurt alot by negates or anti-spells. You also need a kaiju, and a way to get a monster with an equip spell on the field. And unless you have best green girl this deck is open to alot of removals plus no way to negate spell/trap cards. (unless you run spell traps to negate.
Oh and played a few Yubels with this deck lol. Yubel has the advantage because it has a lot more options but it pretty much boils down to the yubels just switching to their non-yubel cards or extra deck to remove mikanko OR you with mikanko trying to remove their yubels with kaiju's. That or one lucky harpies.