People I'm curious, do ridiculously long combos put you off playing to some degree?
Sometimes I just want some back and forth ya know? Not waiting a solid 10 minutes for someone to make a full negate board only to get dropped the turn after or just combos that takes ridiculously long to finish.
I've got love for Yugioh MD, I think it's brilliant but jesus sometimes it's a bit much. I get that loads of decks do this that do that, which does this that leads into this link summon which leads into a special summon which leads into this xyz summon and so on. It's the reason I love Shaddoll Winda so much because it limits the game and makes it faster.
So what about you people? Does long combos just put you off playing sometimes too?
Edit: I didn't expect this to get so many comments! From looking at the comments most people also hate the stupidly long combos lol