Could you guys please answer my questions that are too specific for google?
So, I played for the third time now and I still have unanswered questions that are too long, specific and weird that google helps me, maybe the collective council of the wise ones aka you guys can help?
Why do we see prothean looking collectors in jarviks memory? I thought they turned the protheans into the collectors that look like the protheans
Is there more info about Liaras other parent other than the conversation you have with her in ME1? Is she really a "pureblood"?
Why did the reapers build this human-looking reaper in ME2? Aren't there already enough reapers? Are there any more that don't look like Leviathans?
Are there any records of mixed species? Thinking about the comment of my turian husband at the end of the game. Just curious
What exactly was Mordins Job with the genophage? I understood it already existed long before, what exactly was his assignment? Refresh it? Was it slowly healing by itself?
Why does Orianna look entirely different although Miranda said she's her twin?
Why didn't Shepard steal the Normandy at the beginning of ME2 and return to the alliance?
Did my autistic ass read that right that Shiala offered me sex on Illium?
Where exactly did the reapers hide? What is deep space?
Were the keepers an assimilated species? Why would the reapers choose a big mantis as the citadel's maintenance staff?
Thank you for your time, I should go