Extreme pain after cupping. Normal?? Please help

This took place yesterday. I’ve gotten it done before (at a different place) and never has it ever been SO PAINFUL during, and after. I am pretty sure the massage therapist injured me. She put the cups on so tight. She put them on my neck too. I felt like I couldn’t breathe and was scared of hickey looking marks so those are the only ones I requested she removed 2-3 minutes in. The other ones stayed on for at least 10-15 minutes.

I want to cry. It hurts so freaking much. I have such a high pain tolerance but this is no joke. The massage therapist looked concerned and told me not to shower for 6 hours. She blamed it on my back having low circulation because it’s “tight”. I HAD NO ISSUES PRIOR.

She also put

My back hurts so much. The back of my neck hurts so much. Please advise. I’ll add pictures in the comments.