Solo queueing in ranked is a terrible experience right now.

I want to hear the rest of the community's opinions on this, but solo queuing in ranked right now is terrible.

Every day is a gamble on whether I'm on a win streak or a loss streak. Regardless of how well I perform, it's a flip of a coin. I can analyze my replays, improve my communication, etc. and it will not be enough to carry the game.

I know this subreddit has a strange defensiveness of smurfing, but going through 3-4 terrible losses and then queuing into a game with the most obvious smurf stack ever is just a kick in the teeth. Quickplay isn't enjoyable, either, with the matchmaking sticking new or bronze players against celestial stacks.

Seriously, what is with this? Ranked does not feel skill based. Quickplay does not feel casual. It's exhausting and it feels as if the community's been very vocal about these issues with no word from the devs.

Does anyone have any experiences like this right now? Is there any hope of it being addressed?