Warlock is severely underatted / misunderstood
Hi, Warlock main here who wants get his gripes out about people not understanding the value that this character brings to a team comp and who instantly refusing to play with one when they see him (for reference I am gm2 on PC so baffles me that higher ranked players still act like this). Here are some things that I think are misunderstood about him.
Warlock has sufficient enough healing, in fact his healing is increadibly complimentary to have in partnership with most other supports who 'top up' heal due to his ability to spike heal the frontline or a critical squishy. Personally I have found that even in a two you can have more than enough heals as long as you are not running another 'lower output' healer, even then it can still be fine with the right play style.
I believe that people's misconception comes from the end of a game when they see that a Warlock will have half as many assists as the other supports, THAT IS GOOD. It means that your Warlock is not spam healing but rather saving it for when someone needs it, of course a rocket or a cloak who constantly has their heals out will have more assists.
Admittedly Warlocks ult is hardly incredible, however there are 2 reasons why I do not think it makes him unviable.
(1) We have all been mass revived by a warlock and killed again, but Born Again is not mercy rez, it is easy to let your ego get in the way and want to see 5 people revived in the kill feed, but it is awful in that situation. HOWEVER, it is great (and potentially game winning) when used early in a team fight to revive 1 or 2 teammates in a safe place, espcially your frontline or other support. The ability to stop the enemy team taking advantage of that momentum is so incredibely important at giving your team the chance to win the fight.
(2) The main issue people have with Warlcok is that his ultimate is not Cloak's, Luna's or Mantis'. I understand this, especially at the start of the season when those ults were much better. But after the nerfs I feel as if this argument is less fair because of the ability below.
Soul Bond
Warlock has a mini support ult on cooldown, every game you can nulify several strong enemy ultimates from Star Lord, Winter Soldier, Magneto, Moon Knight, Strange, Magik, Spidey, the list goes on and on. But because there isn't an ult voiceline being shouted or a massive circle on the floor showing you that you're being saved, people dont see it.
It does not help that people do not understand that you can walk away from this protection, and actually reactionary scattering is the worst thing you can do as the bond will break.
Ultimately I feel that Warlock and his players are berated because he is misunderstood, this character genuinely provides so much value to a team.
What do you all think? I would love to hear the opinions of non warlock players.