As a Tank main across many hero shooters, this game is killing my desire to play Vanguard
Not even the game, I love the characters, it's the community that's making me hate the role. I legitimately enjoy Magneto and Strange's kits from day one. I can do the more aggress-heavy vanguards but rarely do I ever have the opportunity when I'm the only tank, which is probably 9/10 games. I unironically love the role, my brain just gravitates to a protective playstyle and standing in front, there's nothing more satisfying to me than allowing the DPS and healers to do their thing so we can dominate the objective. What's killing me is the unwillingness to work with the tank, like it's our mandated job to suffer.
I'm no where near a Lord on any hero because I constantly switch to what the team needs. No anchor? Mag or Strange. Is the enemy team a laser focused killing machine? Lets get Cap or Venom to divide their attention. Flyers or Divers making the healer's lives harder? Penny for their thoughts. I play to suit what my team needs, but I never find the courtesy returned. Never a Namor to help me deal with Spiderman or Black Panther. No divers focusing the Black Widows making my shields and heath bar trivial from outside my reach. Nobody wants to switch off of their main to make my life easier and when I speak up, I get told it's my skill issue. Like I'm not already the only one responsible for holding the front line,
I know this sounds like me shitting on the 3-4 insta-locking DPS each game, which admittedly a huge source of my woes, but the real issue is just people refusing to have any flexibility. The whole notion of "lord" is honestly something I hate in this game because it rewards people for selfish picks when what we need most as a player base is to cover each other's weaknesses on a team.
Thank you for coming to my salty ted talk.