I've created a site with Top Hero Counters and Team Comp Ideas for players who want quick access to counters against other heroes during a game.

Hello everyone! I noticed that some hero counters sites are hard to read due to their blog-style format. So I created a simple guide that you can use to quickly find hero counters during the game. It includes the latest meta for season 1, featuring Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman.

I also included some team comp ideas for different game modes like convoy defense, offense, and capture the flag. I'll add more quick guides in the future so you and your friends can get team lineup ideas with ease :)

feel free to visit it: https://www.peakrivals.com/

Edit: I replaced 'Top Hero Counters' with 'Natural Counters' (heroes that counter other heroes' fundamental kits) and 'Situational Counters' (heroes that can take advantage of other heroes depending on the situation). Thanks for all your feedback and support!
