Dear: Yeou Dev
I come to you a passionate and frustrated mushroom gamer in this time of great saucelessness.
You did gods work by recoding our favorite mushroom game. But unfortunately, myself and the entire private server community cannot offer you thanks for this great accomplishment.
After all your hard work you have nothing to give to this community that has been blue-balled harder than a horny mushroom. Why let your work go to waste when others can utilize its greatness? Why not give meaning to your work and pass it on to other passionate devs who can continue offering excellence to this ever suffering community? You can single handedly give all of us a hopeful breath of fresh air to live on as a part of your legacy, so what is stopping you?
This perma edged, aged and balding group of copium huffing millennials are starting to dry up faster than the ariant desert so it's time to stop gatekeeping.
EDIT: Please stop with the DMCA and legal action from Nexon. You simply cannot convince me of this exaggerated narative. If you think he cant do it 100% risk free you are lost in the absence of sauce.