How much do you care about lore?
How much does the story of MtG affect your gameplay? I’ve seen plenty of complaints about universes beyond, but also people saying they don’t really care for MtG’s mainline story right now.
How often do you read the stories published? The planeswalker’s guides? Do you go back to previous sets to see how the upcoming set is connected? Other than looking cool/fantasy-ish, do you care what the art/name/flavor text on your cards are?
Would you want to get more invested in MtG lore and story? If so, what’s something that you’d be interested in that’d help you dive deeper? There’s a lot of online content about gameplay, would you want to see content about story?
I ask because I love the story - MtG is one of my favorite hobbies, and I love being able to get as immersed in it as I can. But the vibes I’ve gotten is that I’m a bit of a minority. So, I figured I’d ask. The reason I didn’t ask in r/mtgvorthos is because those people are all (obviously) invested in lore. I wanted to hear from the more average MtG player.